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The term itself refers to a particular kind of figure of speech, that of the general referring to the specific or the specific referring to the general. As an example, a person might refer to his car as "my wheels." A warrior in centuries past could call his sword "my steel" or "my blade."

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Q: Why does synecdoche belong to figures of speech?
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What are some Victorian era figures of speech?

Some of the Victorian era figures of speech are epiphany, bathos, synecdoche, trope,and allusion. The Victorian era had several figures of speech that are still used today. One figure of speech was "fit as a fiddle." Another was " wring their necks."

How many figures of speech are there?

8edit (khoa): Adjunction, Allegory,Alliteration, Allusion, Antithesis,Apostrophe, Climax, Euphemism,Hyperbole, Irony, Metaphor, Metonymy,Onomatopoeia, Oxymoron, Personification,Simile, Synecdoche

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a synecdoche

How do you use the word synecdoche in a sentence?

One example of using synecdoche in a sentence is "The White House announced a new policy," where "the White House" represents the U.S. government as a whole. In this case, "the White House" is a part of the government that is used to refer to the entire government.

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The figure of speech used to represent the whole of a part or part of a whole is called synecdoche. It involves using a specific part of something to represent the entire thing or using the entire thing to represent just a part of it.

Which best explains the term synecdoche?

A figure of speech that refers to a whole by its part

Sentence of synecdoche?

The term "synecdoche" is a type of figure of speech. It can mean to use a word for a part as a whole, or an item as a substitute for an entire group, or to represent an object by its function. This is reflected by many idiomatic uses of words. Examples: His ride was still in the shop. (car) Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. Tuxedos and ball gowns filled the room.

Are there any figures of speech in Johnny Cash's song Hurt?

what are the figures of speech in "hurt" written by trent reznor

What figure of speech is used in elementary school classroom in a slum?

There are several including alliteration, similie,metaphor,imagery,synecdoche and irony.

What part of speech is the word belong?

Belong is a verb.

What is the relationship between metonymy and synecdoche?

Synecdoche is a type of metonymy

What are the themes and figures of speech in upon an honest man's fortune?

The figures of speech in the poem are rhyme, personification, diction, and imagery.