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Phoenixes are born from others Phoenixes ashes wich gives them the ability to withstand fire. Its also said to live in volcanoes, wich is another example why the Phoenix is fireproof.

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Q: Why does the mythical bird Phoenix catch on fire?
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How the constellation Phoenix got its name?

It was named for the Phoenix, the mythical bird that bursts into flame when it dies, and is then reborn from its own ashes. Johaan Bayer named it after the mythical bird. Also, in the past, the constellation was called other types of birds (gryffin, eagle, bird of fire). Its asterism actually kind of looks like a bird rising.

What is the bird Phoenix?

A phoenix is a legendary bird that sets itself on fire and rebirth from its ashes. Some people believe that there can only be one phoenix at a time. It looks like a bird on fire. It is a fantastic creature from the Ancient Greek Mythology. It is a symbol of rebirth, reconstruction, of perpetual renewal. It never dies; when it is getting to old, it sets itself on fire and gets reborn as a "chick".

What sort of mythical creature lives in fire?

Phoenix or dragons?

How do you spell phinix?

Phoenix, the mythical creature that arises from a fire.

Who is phinox bird?

a phoenix bird is a fire bird that comes from the ashes of a fire or actually comes from a fire.

Are Phoenix carnivores?

No, Phoenix birds are not carnivores. They are mythical creatures often depicted in folklore and legends as having characteristics of both birds and fire.

What does the Phoenix symbolize in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

They can carry heavy loads, and their tears have healing powers.

Why does a mythical Phoenix set fire to itself?

The mythical phoenix sets fire to itself because that is it's own way of dying. When humans die we can die from many different reasons, but the phoenix sets fire to itself when it knows it is old and weak then it comes back to life as a new healthy phoenix. The phoenix continues this cycle of life for ever.

What type of bird is called the fire bird?

A Fire bird is not real and comes from mythology. Sometimes it is also called a Phoenix. In the late 1960's are car was also named Fire-bird

What is fires Heavenly creature?

It seems like there may have been a typo or a missing word in your question. Can you please clarify or provide more context so I can assist you better?