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You head hurts when you shake it because your brain hits against you skull

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Q: Why does your head hurt when you shake it?
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cabecear = to shake one's head cabeceo = I shake my head

When was Shake Your Head created?

Shake Your Head was created in 1983.

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Why do you shake something when it gets hurt?

shake the organ when you hurt to reduce pain, that's less blood supply

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cause dogs are ballin til they fallin . ......obviously

What does smh mean in texting version?

Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's modified to 'smfh' or 'smmfh' by those that prefer profanity in their internet acronyms.

Why does the back of your head hurt when you turn your head to the left or right?

It doesnt hurt

How do you pull a tooth that is not loose?

Well, you have to shake it for a while and when you feel its about to come out, then it will be easy to shake it out. Don't worry, it won't hurt.

When people shake their head does it mean omg?

No it means NO !!!

What does smdh mean in slang?

shake my damn head

What does smh mean in texting language?

Shake My head

Why does your top of your head hurt when you touch it?

The top of your head might hurt when you touch it because it has been bruised by hitting it on something. It is also possible to get a sunburn on the top of your head, and that will also make it hurt.