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Harry Potter sees the thestrals after the death of Cedric Diggory.

He didn't see them before because when his mum was killed he was too young to understand what had happened and nobody else was killed in front of him (he has already passed out by the time Quirrel died).

Rowling considered putting them in at the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire but decided to wait until Harry had accepted Cedric's death so the book was not left with an unsolved mystery.

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15y ago

They have both seen someone die, so they can both see Thestrals.

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They weren't, they could only feel them...

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At first, only Harry. Hermione and Ron would have been able to see them after the final battle though.

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You have to feed the Thestrals.

How many thestrals are there in Harry's lesson in the fifth harry Potter book?

I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's 4.

How is a Harry Potter threstal created?

I assume you mean in the films. In which case, they use special effects to create the thestrals.

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wilberforce Thestrals, they are invisble to anyone expect if you have seen someone who has died.

Why couldn't Harry Potter see Thestrals through books 1-4 even though he had seen his mother die?

Not everyone becomes a ghost. And for this reason not all of those that have died in Harry Potter can be seen as ghosts. In fact none of the characters that the reader sees die actually become ghosts.

Who told Harry about Thestrals in the Order of the Phoenix movie?

In the movie, Luna Lovegood informed Harry about thestrals. However, Hagrid told Harry in the book.

What are the dead horses in Harry potter called In the fifth movie?

Answer: see the movie first Answer: They are not supposed to be dead; they are described as "skeletal". And they are called thestrals.

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You can go into the forest in HP 5, but just past Hagrid's hut to clearing where you feed Thestrals.

What kind of horses pull the beauxbatons carriage in the Harry Potter series?

Simply large giant horses with wings - they are not Threstals (like the ones that pull the carriages at Hogwarts) as everyone can see them. Thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen somebody die.

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Harry Potter does not make money...he doesnt even have a job!