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Mae Tuck and Angus Tuck saw her grave and it said the date at which she died.

It said -:

Winnie Foster Jackson-meaning she got married and then died

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Q: Why doesn't Jesse want Winnie to drink from the spring?
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What suggestion does Jesse make to Winnie?

Jesse asked Winnie to go back to the spring and drink it .

Does Jesse allow Winnie foster from tuck everlasting drink from the the spring near the ash tree?

On page 114 it will say Jesse gave Winnie the spring.

What did Jesse leave for Winnie Tuck Everlasting?

The water from the spring for Winnie to drink when she turns seventeen.

What does Winnie see Jesse do in tuck everlasting?

drink the water when she's 17 and find them so they could run away and marry and live forever together

What does Winnie see Jesse do tuck everlasting?

she saw Jesse drink from a spring that let's you live forever

How did Jesse suggests that Winnie drink the spring water when she is seventeen?

drink the water and he will find her so they could get married

what was the real reason why Jesse stopped Winnie from drinking the spring water?

Jesse told Winnie that the water is dirty as it comes straight from the ground and would not be good for her to drink. But this was not the real reason why. The actual reason was that Winnie would become immortal like Jesse by drinking from the spring.

What does Tuck Everlasting Winnie do?

be a kid for a bit then she said yes to jesse and then lol does not drink the spring

What does Jesse propose to Winnie?


What did Jesse ask Winnie to do?

Jesse asked Winnie to go back to the spring and drink it and when it's safe, he'll come back for her. He also asked her to wait six years, drink the water, and then marry him. If you were referring to the book.

Did Winnie drink from the spring?

no she did not

How does Winnie feel when Jesse suggests she should drink the springwater when she is seventeen?

he didn't want Winnie to drink the water