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room temperature instrinsic s.c as a conducter

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11y ago

Because at this temperature the covalent bond become stronger which can't be broken by applying external forces(voltage).

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Q: Why intrinsic semiconductor acts as an insulator at 0K?
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Why semiconductor acts as an insulator at 0K?

Because at this temperature the covalent bond become stronger which can't be broken by applying external forces(voltage).

What is the number of free electrons and holes in a pure semiconductor at 0k?

There are no free electrons and holes in a pure semiconductor at 0k.

Why pure semiconductor just behave like an insulator?

At absolute zero (0K), an intrinsic semiconductor will act like a perfect insulator. At this temperature, the electrons in the valence band will remain there. The heat energy required to excite the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band is insufficient at 0K. When the temperature increases, some of the electrons from the valence band got excited and moves to the conduction band. This will give rise to the conductivity of the semiconductor. i.e in 0 k(0 kelvin) the pure semi conductor the electrons in the valance band don't do any thing.They are lazy for conductivity.But when increasing the temperature increase the energy of electrons and they try to move.At the end electrons win and they can to move.So it happened a conductivity.

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0k i win rules 0k

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If it is 0 Kelvin what is the temperature in celsius?

0K = -273.15ºC

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How cold is zero kelvin in fahrenheit?

0K = -459.67ºF

Fahrenheit absolut zero?

0K = -273.15oC = -459.67oF

What degrees Celsius equals 0 Kelvin?

0K = -273.15ºC

Why fermi energy level is midway between conduction band and valence band in semiconductors?

To be exact EF should be at the valence band edge (EV) at 0K because no energy state above EV are occupied at 0K; however, for intrinsic semiconductors there are no states in the band gap anyway, so placing the EF anywhere in the band gap including conduction band edge does not add any states as being occupied. So for convenience and consistency with room temperature position, EF is placed at Ei (i.e. room temperature intrinsic Fermi level position).