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because he wants the blood of yuuki the adored daughter of haruka and juuri..because juuri's blood taste like the blood of yuuki...

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Q: Why is Kaname reveived by Kuran Rido in vampire knight?
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Related questions

Who were Kaname's parents in the vampire knight series?

Kaname Kuran's parents in the Vampire Knight series were: Haruka Kuran (father) Juri Kuran (mother)

What anime is Kuran Kaname from?

Vampire Knight

How did kaname kuran have kids in vampire knight?

no, kaname doesn't have yet in the manga or anime.

Who does yuki fancy the most in vampire knight?

Yuki Kuran fancys her fiancee/husband Kaname Kuran.

Who does yuiki stay with in vampire knight?

Yuuki Kuran in "Vampire Knight" stays with her adopted brother Kaname Kuran, who is also her love interest in the series. They were raised together in the Kuran family household after Yuuki lost her memories as a young girl.

Who is the lover of yuki kuran?

Kaname Kuran is the lover of Yuki Kuran. They share a complex and intertwined relationship throughout the "Vampire Knight" series.

Who does yukki choose in vampire knights?

In "Vampire Knight," Yuuki chooses Kaname Kuran as her romantic partner. They have a deep and complicated history that ultimately leads them to be together.

Who are kaname kuran's real parents?

No one knows kaname's real parents because kaname is not yuuki's real brother,yuuki's real brother was killed by rido kuran,In the second season of vampire knight,episode 7,kaname bit yuuki and yuuki believed that kaname is her elder brother but he's not and yuuki doesn't know that.

What are opinions on who is more likable between Zero Kiryu and Kaname Kuran from the manga series 'Vampire Knight'?

Kaname Kuran, all the way. he is a bit formal, but Zero just hates everybody. He's way too negative! Kaname, definately.

Who dies in vampire knight?

Several characters die in "Vampire Knight," including Shizuka Hio, Rido Kuran, and Kaname Kuran. Their deaths play a significant role in shaping the story's plot and characters.

Who is the voice of kaname in vampire knight?

Mamoru Miyano is the Japanese voice actor for Kaname Kuran in the anime "Vampire Knight." In the English dub version, Kaname is voiced by Ethan Murray.

What happen to yuuki in vampire knight?

Okay so in the end Yuuki goes somewhere with Kaname Kuran and all alone. :(