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Movie screens are white and covered with glass granules in order to maximize light reflectivity, thereby creating as bright and clear a picture as possible.

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Q: Why is cinema screen made rough?
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Related questions

Why should a cinema screen be made rough and white?

Rough - to minimise reflections from the lighting in the cinema... White - to reflect ALL colours evenly !

Which type of reflection takes place on cinema screen?

in a cinema screen diffuse reflection takes place

What different by film and cinema?

a film you watch on a much smaller screen and a cinema screen is much bigger , louder and better¬!

When was the wide-screen cinema invented?


Why cinema screen are rectangular?

Because the screen blends in well with the golden rectangle

How long do movies screen for in the cinema?

17 weeks

What type of image is formed on a cinema screen?

Real image

What is mm in 70mm measurement of cinema screen?

Mini miles

How big is a cinema screen in inches?

Square metres.

Does the Christie's digital cinema system require a white or silver screen?

Screen is not in reality as white as it is glossy

What is that big TV screen in New York called?

In Times Square there is a gigantic TV screen.

Why need cinema?

so we can enjoy movies better with a bigger screen