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Q: Why is the party so concerned about language in 1984?
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Why would the party want them where people can see them in the book 1984?

The Party wants them where people could see them so that the people could see and learn from their mistakes and not do what they did.

Why was Jonas concerned for precision of language?

He was concered for precision of language because it was easier to avoid unintentional lies with precision of language. Also, its against the rules to lie in the community so it was easier to avoid rule breaking with precision of language. does that help?

What is the purpose of Syme as a character in 1984?

He represents the intellectual, too smart for his own good, so the Party makes him an "unperson" because educated smart people are a potential threat to the Party.

Why are the Parsons kids so cool in 1984?

He brags about their devotion to the Party. Even after his own daughter turns him in for thought crime he is still proud of her fo rloving the party more than him.

What is phonetics?

Phonetics is the study of the sounds used in speech, how they are produced and so on. Phonology, on the other hand, is concerned with the sound system of a given language or dialect.

What is the definition of high level language?

As far as the military is concerned, a High Level Language are those that are most distant from English. (For example, Korean is different from English in ways such as written alphabet, grammatical patterns, and sentence structure, so it is in the highest language category the military has.)

1984 why does the party desire power?

The Party desires power soley for its own sake. No society so far in history has sought this goal. The Party wants to be able to control the minds of the people like they can with Winston in order to be the top ruler of the world.

1984 Why does the party never acknowledge when it changes from fighting eurasia to eastasia?

The Party never ackknowledges this because if they do they will seem wrong and the Party's main job is to convince people that they are always right, so to stop this they change the past to say that it was always fighting eastasia

Why does the Party give Winston an easy with good pay and allow him to roam freely in 1984?

He doesn't matter anymore because he has been turned into a loyal party member so he's no longer a potential threat.

What are memory holes in the book 1984?

The place where all information that the party spoke of in the past that was wrong was burned to ashes so no one knew they were really wrong.

What is the figurative language in the book Dork Diaries not so popular party girl?

really i didn't see any figurative language in the book can someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Why is Atticus more concerned with Scout's temper than her language?

Atticus is more concerned with Scout's temper rather than her language because he feels that her cursing is just a phase that will pass once she knows that she doesn't get any attention from it. and that she needs to control her temper because many people will talk about him and the family and she will have to compose herself when confronted in those situations.