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Q: Why is the temperature of the dark side -200f?
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What is the operating temperature for a 1998 camaro 3.8?

Normal is about 200F-245F depending on the outside air temperature. The cooling fan comes on at 225F-230F

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What is the average temperature on the dark side of the moon?

As the dark side of the moon is always facing away from the earth and it couldbe vey hostile and 500degree .

What is the averege temperature on Mercury?

−183 °C on the dark side, to 427 °C on the sunlit side.

How hot is Venus on the dark side?

Venus's surface temperature is the same on both the day and night side.

What is the temperature between the light and the dark side of the moon?

The fail of the fail spells failure...........

What is the temperature of mercury at day time?

Mean temperature is 442.5 K (169C, 336F) and ranges from 100K (-173C, -279F) on the dark side to 700K (426C, 800F) on the sunny side

Is the temperature on the moon too hot for man?

There is no atmosphere so it is surface temperature only. The surface temperature in full sun can be as high as about 200ºF to as low (on the dark side) as about -200ºF.

What is 200F expressed as Celsius?

93.33 C

What temperature is it on the light and dark sides of the moon?

Any place on the moon that's in direct sun (day side) has a temperature around +225 F. Any place on the moon that's not in direct sun (night side) has a temperature around -240 F. Of course, the light and dark areas of the moon keep changing throughout the month.

Is mercury the coldest planet at night?

No, the dark side of the planets temperature averages 110 K. which is much hotter then the mean surface temperature of say Neptune at 72K.

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