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Spanish would be a second language if it was learnt outside of your main language (1st language) Say if you spoke english, you would take spanish as a second language for another purpose, maybe schooling, moving there, family members speak it. But it would not be in your native tongue and would be a second language hope that answered your question.

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While there are many reason why Spanish/English should be taught in High School, there are also some reason why it shouldn't be taught in High School. One would have to presume that you mean English being taught as a second language and not English as a Language Art.

Some people are not good at languages

There are some people who just are not good at foreign languages. It all depends on the way your brain is wired. Some people excell greatly in a foreign language (And are usually those that are good at maths at well), while others excell better at sports or History/Writing.

For people who are not good at foreign languages, being forced to complete at least a year (some places even two years) of a foreign language could be torture to them. They would struggle through it completely and may lose interest in other subject areas as a result of their bad grades in the foreign language class.

Some people "Don't need it"

There are jobs that exist out there that do not require that you know a second language. People who "know" what they want to do when the graduate may feel that they just don't need to have a foreign language and therefore would not feel the need to learn a foreign language in High School.

Parents may not want student to learn

There are occasionally cases where parents do not want their child to learn a foreign language. They may tell the child that they don't have a need to learn a foreign language or that their child "shouldn't have to learn" a language because the people who come into the country should speak the native language of the country.

Those are just a few reasons why a foreign language should not be required in High School.

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Example: Your mother and father speak Spanish to you. You have learned Spanish before any other languages. That is your first language. Then, you learn English because you live in America. That is the second language you learn. That is English as (a) second language. The second language you learn is your (language) as (a) second language. I hope that helped.

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