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Q: Why to this day do people refer to signatures as John Hancocks?
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Why an autograph is called John Hancock?

Because John Hancocks signature on the Declaration of Independence standards out from the rest, signatures have been called a John Hancock in reference to his signing.

What was John Hancocks traits?


What was John Hancocks favorite sport?


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Who were John Hancocks siblings?

He was an only child.

Where was John Hancock birth?

john hancocks birth was in braintree Massachusetts BOOM GOES THE FIRE POWER

John Hancocks famous qoute?

i like muffins

What were john Hancocks occupations?

He was a merchant and successful smuggler.

How did John Hancocks parents die?

They were lynched by George Washington

What was john Hancocks first job?

Working for his uncle

What was John Hancocks profession?

John Hancock was a merchant

John Hancocks cotribution to the colonies?

He was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.