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There were not more survivors on Titanic for several reasons, one of them being that the officers loading the boats were favoring women-and-children over men, resulting in many unnecessarily empty seats . If the officers did not discriminate and simply filled the boats, more people would have been saved.

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The combination of not having enough lifeboats for all the passengers, the delays in putting passengers into lifeboats, not fully filling those lifeboats, loading only "women and children first", the icy water, the ship the SS Californian which was nearby but didn't assist when the Titanic was sinking.

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Q: Why were so few people saved from the Titanic?
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How many people got saved when the titanic sank?

2AnswerActually, about 711 people "survived". A few lost, so they were guessed as survived, and some escaped on lifeboats. The plot of the movie Titanic is completely fake, except for the boat sinking.

How many people were saved from in the water from the titanic?

Out of 2,228 people on the titanic, only 710 were saved Of the number saved the vast majority were complete families from the 1st class deck who were mainly wealthy people -what does that say about fairness and so called chivelry.I fear there was a significant element of cowardrice that night.

How many passenders where on the Titanic?

well.....1,500 people died and 694 people where on the lifeboats and 6 people got saved from the water so.....about 2,200

How many people die on tanic?

i think 500 people were saved, and 2,000 were on board. So at least 1,500 people died on the titanic . all people in the water of the sea R.I.P!

How did 15 dogs live when Titanic sank and so many people died?

thew didit. saved only 3 dogs.other animals died.

How many people did Molly Brown save on the titanic?

Molly Brown saved me, i was so happy, one of the happiest in the world. I couldn't bare not being saved, if i died, i would miss my dog, everybody. Thanks for asking =)

Why did the titanic have so few lifebouts?

it would have been to heavy

How many lifeboat seats did the titanic have?

Between the 20 lifeboats installed, there were seats enough for 1,178 people.

What happened during the titanic sinking?

the ships life boats were lower and people got on except some people only wanted family on these boats so only 705 people were saved out of 2,200 people not counting the people who jumped of and three to swim

Why did the titanic have so much design?

The Titanic was built for style, rather than speed. First class had a swimming pool, and a few nice dining areas. Second class had a nice library and restaurant, even third class had a few comforts! So you can see the style Titanic had. The whole point was to get people to buy the tickets, and sail to USA. But many ships at the time didn't have good cabins and food. That put many people off riding on ships. But when Titanic came along, they built it with lots of design and luxury, so lots of people went on board!

What does lack of lifeboats mean in the Titanic?

well as i know every ship should have enough lifeboats for every passenger on the ship,but the titanic did no so not all the passengers were saved. thanks for reading this****

Why did so many people die in the titanic diaster?

People died in the Titanic disaster because there was no more time to get people into lifeboats.