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it can just check it again and again maybe you set your clock wrongly

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Q: Why wont your Pokemon platinum change to night time?
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What time does night start on Pokemon platinum?

Night starts at 8 PM in Platinum.

How can you make it faster for night time in Pokemon platinum?

yes, go to your ds settings and change the time to 24:00.

What time of night to get 152 in Pokemon Platinum?

anytime at night, but midnight is best

How do you make it night time in Pokemon Platinum?

Pokemon Platinum time runs on your DS or DSi clock. To make it nighttime in the game, change your clock settings too nighttime. Example: If you set it as midnight on your DS, it will be midnight in the game.

How do you change the time in Pokemon Platinum?

Change the time on your Nintendo DS/DSi

Where is misdreaveous in Pokemon platinum?

You can cath misdreaveous in eterna forest during night time.

Where do you get misdreavies in Pokemon platinum?

I think at night time at the haunted mansion in Enterna forrest.

What time is nighttime in Pokemon Platinum?

It is considered night between 8 PM and 4 AM.

How do you change the time from Japanese time to American time in the Pokemon platinum game?

The time in the game follows the time on your ds's settings. If you change it there it will change on the game.

Pokemon platinum how to set time for pm?

when you start your ds change the time to 22:00

Where do you get misdrveus in Pokemon platinum?

you go to eterna forest at night time and i think he is quite rare

Is there a limited time in Pokemon platinum after which you cant play the game?

no you could play all night