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If a judge said so you have to. Often child support is required for additional years if the child is attending formal education toward a certification or degree.

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Q: Why would you have to pay child support for an 18 year old in Indiana?
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Can a 20 year old child sue for child support from their father if no paternity test was given?

Sue for child support? That would be up to the mother to do. And if she did sue, she would be the one to get the money if she won, not the young adult child since the mother was the one who raised and supported the child.

Can child support be taken away if child age of 17 gets a part time job in Texas?

If the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support, child support will end in Texas. If not, a 17-year-old's job will have no effect on child support amounts.

Will you have to pay child support for a 17 year if they choose to live with the noncustodial parent in Ohio?

Child support in Ohio usually continues until the child is 18, and up to the age of 21 if the child is in school. Whether or not you have to pay child support if the child is living with the noncustodial parent depends on the support order that it is in place Typically you can expect that you will have to expect to pay support.

Can a grandparent who has custody of a 16 year old who father a child be forced to pay child support for that child?

When the obligor parent is a minor and cannot pay. This is the case with a 12 year old Ohio boy who got a 19 year old pregnant. While she served time in jail, he or his parents must pay $50 a month in child support to the maternal grandparents who are caring for the child.

If your 17 year old daughter has a baby do you still have to pay child support?

Regardless of the situation, the obligated parent must adhere to the court order of support until the order is amended or rescinded by the court of jurisdiction. The father cannot arbitrarily stop child support payments, he will have to file a lawsuit (petition) in the appropriate state court to have the child support amended or stopped. Unless the young woman falsified the documents needed to obtain public assistance, the state's division of child support enforcement or social services would be aware that her father is paying support also, and that would in all likelihood indicate the support order now in place would hold up if contested.

Related questions

Is 16 year old required to pay child support in Indiana?

There is no age at which a male is not responsible to support a child. If they cannot, his parents can be required to assume responsibility. See related link.

In the state of Indiana does a noncustodial parent still have to pay child support and insurance on their 18 year old child if the child stops seeing them?

Yes, if the court order provides for child support and insurance past age 18.

Does support stop for a 19 year old who goes into navy reserves in Indiana?

In my view, such a child should be considered "emancipated" and, therefore, support should end.

Can you be made to pay child support in Indiana if your 18-year-old moves in with a 40-year-old and rents out the basement and is still in school?

Until the end of high school

If a 17 year old moves out of parent's house and lives with a friend then turns 18 can the friend collect child support from the 18 year old's parent since the 18 year old is still in school?

No, a friend cannot collect child support from the 18-year-old's parent. Child support is typically paid to the custodial parent or legal guardian of a minor child, not to a friend. Since the 18-year-old is now considered an adult, they would be responsible for their own support.

If a seventeen-year-old leaves home in Indiana for Missouri can the police return the child to Indiana?


How much would a 17-year-old man pay for child support?

Child support amounts are determined by the laws of the state in which the minor child resides at the time the lawsuit for support is filed. Generally the age of the non custodial parent has no bearing on the amount ordered by the court for support of his or her child.

You did not know that you have a 15 year old child do you owe back child support?

Child support accrues from the moment the support order is issued, not from the birth of the child.

Can a parent go back and collect child support for a previous year if the current signed Parenting Agreement filed in Arizona each parent waived child support in lieu of equal time with child?

You can not get child support for the previous year if there is a filed court document stating that you agreed not to get any. The best you can do is file for a change so that child support might be able to start, but it would not be retroactive.

Do you have to pay child support for a 16 year old who does not go to school and who works?

It would depend on state laws. In most states, if the person getting the child support check no longer suports the child he/she would loss the right to claim money.

If Father wants to keep his 3 year old daughter overnight does he have a right to do this if the mother does not agree. He does not support his child financially.?

He is the father and not to allow him his child would hurt the child. Take him to family court for the support.

Can a 20 year old child sue for child support from their father if no paternity test was given?

Sue for child support? That would be up to the mother to do. And if she did sue, she would be the one to get the money if she won, not the young adult child since the mother was the one who raised and supported the child.