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Q: Will you make Crane from Kung Fu panda vomit ever?
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What is the best DreamWorks movie ever?

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Isnt Kung Fu panda the best movie ever?

The MOST BESTEST AnswerYUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is HILARIOUS!

Has anybody ever beat the teahouse challenge in Kung Fu Panda for the Xbox 360?


How many Kung Fu Pandas will there be?

There are numerous different types of kung fu. if you want to divide them more generally, there is a difference between northern and southern. off the top of my head theres, wushu, shaolin, fu jao (tiger claw), foo hawk (tiger-crane) .

In Kung Fu panda when did tigress ever smiled?

She smiled when Po killed Ti Lung and when they all gathered around him she gave hime the Kung Fu sign of respect an looked up at him and breifly smiled.

How do you learn to fight like Po in Kung Fu Panda?

well, po is attracted to food, and that is how shifu gets through to po, so why no think about what you are attracted to then reward yourself for everything you have done that is kung fuey. keep on doing this and wahey!hello master what ever your name is.

Did anyone ever have a panda as a pet?

no nobody has had a panda as a pet

Will tigress in kung fu panda pee?

Of course she will! She is a mammal, and all mammals have urinary bladders. Given she is a cat, she may even use her urine to mark territory. However, I doubt they will ever show it in the films.

What is a closure for a giant panda story?

the panda found another panda and had kids and lived happily ever not... the panda gets sent to zoo to be showcased the end

Is throwing up contagious?

No, but what ever is causing you to vomit could be.

When and where do pandas eat?

When: Anytime the panda is hungry. Where: Where ever the panda feels safe and there is bamboo to eat off of.

How do you tilt the crane in Twisted Thicket on poptropica?

you use the amulet or what ever, press the big strong monster, & push the crane