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Q: Woman is to dress as man is to what?
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What woman is to women as dress is to what

What will be considered traditional clothing in Ireland?

a kind of greenish dress for woman and green and black for man

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Its when a man want to dress like a woman but what is he relly getting out of it or this without touching

Women is to women as dress is to?

WOMEN IS TO WOMEN IS TO DRESS AS TO dress But if the question was meant as WOMAN is to WOMEN is to DRESS is to the answer would be: Dress is to Dresses. Woman is the singular representing one woman, women is the plural of woman meaning more than one.

How can a man determine the right woman for himself?

Same way a woman finds a good dress. Try a bunch on and buy the one that suits best.

What music video was it where man put a wedding dress and red lipstick on a blonde woman?

Im also looking for it

Who is the woman on the right in the pink dress in the Bacardi and Diet Coke commercial with the short dancing man?

Jennifer Lyons

Why do feel the urge to dress as a woman but still live as a man?

because you might be more feminine than you do masculine.

What should one wear to an investiture ceremony for a federal judge?

If there is a receiption afterwards, the ceremoney if semi-formal. Man /suit and woman cocktail dress, dinner or evening dress.

Was Hatshepsup a Egyptian Pharaoh?

Yes, Hatshepsut is an Egyptian pharaoh. She was the first woman to be a pharaoh, but she had to dress like a man because the egyptians thought that woman shouldn't be pharaoh's.

What is the complete subject in The woman in the blue dress hurried across the street?

The Woman In The Blue Dress