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It's called a triplet.

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Q: 3 notes grouped together in the space of two?
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What are the 2 lines on a quaver?

Quavers or smaller notes are grouped together by beams. If there are two parallel beams, the notes should be semi quavers. In usual practice, these are grouped in crotchets in simple time signatures.

What joins together two or more notes on the same line or space to lengthen the value?

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What is a curved line in music called?

There are two curved lines. One is called a "tie", which joins two notes (on the same line or space) together to add their times together. For example, two quarter notes tied together equal one half note. The other curved line is called a "slur". It means to play the notes legato (smoothly). It is often over a number of notes, rather than two, like a tie.

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How many sixteenth notes fit into the space of an eighth note?


Where can ties cross?

Ties can connect any two notes of the same pitch, and effectively add the lengths of the two notes together.

What grouped the surrealist artists together?

The Surrealist Manifesto (and d:o Number two) written by André Breton.

A is a curved line that connects two or more notes that are the same pitch?

That is called a "tie". It joins the two notes together creating a single sound that lasts the duration of both notes added together.

If three or more notes played together form a chord what do two notes make?

Some people insist that a chord is three or more notes played together. Others insist that even two notes still make a chord. Opinions differ, and it is dependent on the terminology people wish to use to describe a chord.

What is the difference between eighth notes and sixteenth notes?

Two sixteenth notes take up the same amount of time/space as one eighth note.

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