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3, 1, 6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3 (First Octave beginning on Aflat)
3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 (Second Octave beginning on Aflat)

Notes are as follows:
Aflat, Bflat, C, Dflat, Eflat, F, G, Aflat

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Q: A flat major scale slide positions double octave?
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Where are double bass scales played?

I think they are played in half, first and second position depending on which scale you're playing. Let the bass player answer. Scales are played in half, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and in fifth and a half positions, as well as the harmonic, depending on what scale you are doing and how many octives. If you are doing a one octave scale, it will most likely be all in first position and maybe in half position. If you are doing a two octave scale (or more), that is when you get into the higher positions, such as fourth, fifth and fifth and a half positions.

What is a oc tcave?

If you mean "octave", it is a group of eight things. Most commonly it is used to describe the relationship between a musical tone and another which has half or double its frequency. The tone with half the frequency is an octave below and the one with double the frequency is an octave above. It's called an octave because it's the eighth note in a diatonic (major or minor) scale.

How many notes are there in a one octave major scale?

8 - oct as in eight.

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Can a major or minor scale begin on any of the twelve semitones of the octave?


What is the octave scale for c major?

c, d, e, f, g, a, b and c.

How many tones in a major scale?

Let's do C major. C D E F G A B. So there are 7. If you count the octave (C), then 8. This is the same with any major scale.

What are the trombone positions for g major scale?

G major scale: (Bottom octave) G - 4 A - 2 B - 7 C - 6 D - 4 E - 2 F# - 5 G - 4 (Next Octave) G - 4 A - 2 B - 4 C - 3 D - 1 E - 2 F# - 3* G - 2* *Cheat in closer to 1st position than usual.

How many notes does a minor scale have?

8, the same as a major scale. (The last note name is the same as the first - one octave above.)

Is it rare to play a high high b flat on a trombone in eighth grade?

It's extremely rare to play a high b flat in 8th grade. However when I was in 8th grade we had a scale test to see our ranges. the low brass was expected to do a written full range chromatic scale from low E flat to a high B flat, Two octave F major scale and a two octave G major scale, then we were to do one octave for the rest of the scales.

What is the fingering for the E Major scale on the Tenor Horn?

1&2,2,2&3,1&2,2,0,1,0 that is one octave ascending

How many notes are in in an octave?

In a diatonic scale, there are eight notes in an octave.