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Treble clef, and bass clef, are just clefs, all notes can be played by writing with both of these clefs. If you mean, can the bass clef play below middle C, then yes, but just below at its Bb.

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it plays treble cause it is higher.

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Q: A flute uses what clef treble or base?
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Does a base use a base clef?

most of the base interments use the base clef i think the cornet or trumpet is the only interment that uses treble clef.

What key does a flute play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

What are some instroments that uses treble clef?

piano/ guitar /recorder /flute /ukulele /mandolin /violin

What clef is in a violin?

The violin uses the treble clef.

What instrument most often uses the C-clef?

The G clef is also known, more commonly, as the treble clef. Some of the instruments which use the treble clef are flute, clarinet, french horn, oboe, violin, trumpet, and saxophone.

Music for violins are written in which clef?

Violin music is written using the treble clef.

What does the flute play treble clef or bass clef?

Bass, but sometimes tenor when playing higher music. You'll sometimes come across treble clef in French and Belgian publications. It is used to avoid extra leger lines above the tenor clef.

What clef does the play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

What clef is usually meant fof the right hand in music?

Usually the right hand on the piano uses the treble clef (or G clef).

Lower sounding instruments read their notes in the?

Bass Clef Mostly. Some however, still use the treble clef.NOTE: The viola uses the viola clef and the piano/keyboard uses both treble and bass.

What clef does a piccolo trombone play in?

Instruments don't play in clefs--people do. In the orchestral world, we trombonists are expected to play in Treble, Alto, Tenor, & Bass clefs on a regular basis. Jazz world is mostly Treble & Bass, though occassionally I've seen Tenor there as well.

Does the accordion play bass clef?

Yes. Accordion music is like piano music because it uses both the treble and the bass clef. Usually, you play the notes in the treble clef with the right hand and the notes in the bass clef with the left hand.