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Q: A text string contains a string of text?
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What is string function visual basic?

A string is a line of text. For example: Dim example As String = "whatever text you want" Would make a string that says "whatever text you want" Later, you can use this for a msgbox or textbox Example: TextBox1.Text = example '(that is the string we made) or MsgBox(example, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Note!") '(would display a msgbox containing the text in the string)

What are differences between replace and substitute Microsoft Excel functions?

The Replace function replaces part of a text string, based on the number of characters you specify, with a different text string. The Substitute function substitutes newtext for old text in a text string. You use Substitute when you want to replace specific text in a text string and you use Replace when you want to replace any text that occurs in a specific location in a text string.

What is a text string in Excel?

It is simply a piece of text. You can use a piece of text in formulas for doing things. There are specific functions for dealing with text. If you use a piece of text directly in them, as opposed to a cell reference to a cell that has text, the text will be enclosed in quotation marks and can be referred to as a text string. To find a length of a text string you could use the LEN function like this: =LEN("How long is this text string?")

What is string variables?

A string variable is a programming language construct that holds text. For example, the text "The sky is blue" could be stored to a string variable, then later in the program, that text could be displayed.

How do you delete a single text on your iPhone?

to delete a single text withing a string of text messages click the "edit" button in the string and select and delete

Which text function replaces text in a string?

The REPLACE function.

What is global string?

In a database, it is a string of text that is the same throughout the database.

Can you please make a sample program for this?

public class MyClass() {private String text;public MyClass(String text) {// Note the use of this to clarify which text object you are referring to.this.text = text;}}

What contains text and information about the text?


What is prefix view in excel?

In Excel, the prefix view refers to the display of formulas with a single quotation mark ('), which indicates that the cell contains a text string. This is useful for troubleshooting and determining if the cell is being treated as text instead of a formula.

Does A markup language contains text as well as information about the text?

Yes, it does contain text and info about text. The meta tag contains the metadata about the text or characters.

What do you mean by string in java programming?

A "string" in any programming language is a line of text.