For not singing the song like Ike told her to
Yes! But since Ike Kept on beating Tina for no reason what so ever she(Tina) decided to go solo. And now Tina Turner is a HUGE success, and Ike is a not so famous anymore. (Tina had all the talent anyway)
Since we never really know if he did it since he never admitted it, we don't know. But some people are very insecure and wants control. Tina was the star of the band and he had problems with that. His problem was not with her being the star, but that he needed to be in control her every move and thought. There is proven facts that he did beat on her.
Ike beat Tina everytime she didnt obey him,listen to hime or even if she didnt sing right.One time Tina tryed fighting him she did but after they went into the hotel he beat her mad.Just watch the movie..... go to and type in "What's love got to do with it" youll find evrything about Ike and Tina.And on time Tina was singing Nutbush wrong so after everybody left the party Ike went in the singbooth and put his d*** inside of her so far up there that she actually started crying for help and choked her so she would shut-up. then he banged her agaist the glass.But finally they got divorced.....that was good.Well just watch whats love got to do with it on youtube youll find that everything that i said up here is true well goodbye.:) HE DID NOT BEAT HER AFTER THEY WENT INTO THE HOTEL. HE TOLD HER TO GO AND CLEAN HERSELF UP AND SHE WAITED TIL HE WAS SLEEP AND THEN SHE GRABBED HER PURSE AND LEFT.....
If you mean Michael Jackson's Beat It video then no. LL Cool J was not in it.
For not singing the song like Ike told her to
Yes! But since Ike Kept on beating Tina for no reason what so ever she(Tina) decided to go solo. And now Tina Turner is a HUGE success, and Ike is a not so famous anymore. (Tina had all the talent anyway)
Since we never really know if he did it since he never admitted it, we don't know. But some people are very insecure and wants control. Tina was the star of the band and he had problems with that. His problem was not with her being the star, but that he needed to be in control her every move and thought. There is proven facts that he did beat on her.
Ike beat Tina everytime she didnt obey him,listen to hime or even if she didnt sing right.One time Tina tryed fighting him she did but after they went into the hotel he beat her mad.Just watch the movie..... go to and type in "What's love got to do with it" youll find evrything about Ike and Tina.And on time Tina was singing Nutbush wrong so after everybody left the party Ike went in the singbooth and put his d*** inside of her so far up there that she actually started crying for help and choked her so she would shut-up. then he banged her agaist the glass.But finally they got divorced.....that was good.Well just watch whats love got to do with it on youtube youll find that everything that i said up here is true well goodbye.:) HE DID NOT BEAT HER AFTER THEY WENT INTO THE HOTEL. HE TOLD HER TO GO AND CLEAN HERSELF UP AND SHE WAITED TIL HE WAS SLEEP AND THEN SHE GRABBED HER PURSE AND LEFT.....
Video Beat - 1984 was released on: USA: March 1984
Yes, he still does shows sometimes.
If you mean Michael Jackson's Beat It video then no. LL Cool J was not in it.
Eddie Van Halen wasn't in the "Beat It" music video because he did the guitar soloist for the song "Beat It".
The best video game will vary by other people's opinions and what game system the game uses. One of the best video games would be Super Mario Brothers.
Below is information from Tina Turner's Biography. Ike Turner brought her to the forefront or she may not have made it in show business because she was shy and didn't have any connections to music. In fact, Tina did not believe she was that good a singer to begin with. Tina Turner is also one of my favorites and I admire her greatly as one amazing woman and performer. Tina Turner is part Native and African American. She came from a poor family in the segregated South. Her full name was Anna Mae Bullock. Anna Mae Bullock was studying to be a nurse, but eventually moved to St. Louis to reunite with her mother. At this time Anna Mae Bullock was 18 years old and frequented the Rhythm and Blues night clubs. Ike Turner (his band 'Kings of Rhythm) in 1956 had Anna Mae Bullock come up on stage and she was so good he decided to train her with his band. They eventually married and had one child (Ike had two child from a former wife) and the marriage was mentally/physically abusive. Ms. Turner eventually left Ike Turner and became know as the Queen of Rock and Roll. The rest is history. I was the one who answered the second question but I came to improve mine. It all started when Tina moved to St. Louis, she studied to be a nurse, and her mother was strict about that. Her sister Elaine would take her to the club and make her look like she was old enough to go into the bar. She loved Ike and The Kings of Rhythms. Anna Mae was in the spot light, Ike had handed her the microphone. When Ike heard Tina's voice he wanted to make her the lead singer. He hired backup signers also which were called "The Ikettes". Then Ike took cocane which made him become crazy! He started to beat up Tina because he wanted her to stay with him. They began to have a physical and abusive relationship. When they were going to a hotel, they also were going to perform at the Academy. But while they were going to the hotel Ike slapped her because Tina didn't want to perform. So the fight started. Ike hit Tina again, but this time she hit back (in an interview in the 90's she said that she hit Ike so hard that her fist bounced). When she reached the hotel she ran away. She divorced Ike. She went back on tour and this time it was bigger, she sold more tickets then any other female artists. She was known as THE QUEEN OF ROCK AND ROLL! Since she's going back on tour again I guess she'll sell more! I love you Tina you are an inspiration and a legend. YOU ROCK!
Joel Turner used it just for fun
Yes I do actually, Even though he did violently beat Tina He plays a good guitar right, and Piano? This was in the past and Ike asked Tina for forgiveness so why cant we just forgive him? Tina forgave him so can we! R.I.P Ike.