

Best Answer

Yes, Webkinz are still very popular, kids 6-10 are in love with them

I am almost 11 and i luv them so so much and want the luv puppy and pink googles

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Q: Are Webkinz still popular
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Related questions

What is the worlds favorite Webkinz?

webkinz beagle is the most popular webkinz

Is ganes still with Webkinz?

Yes they still are apart of webkinz

Why are Webkinz popular?

They are popular because of the style, and the websites ability's and the children's, and adults interest in the Webkinz.

What is the least populer webkinz?

the cat is the least popular webkinz

Is webkinz still beaing sold?

yes webkinz are still being sold

When did webkinz become popular?

In 2007, webkinz were one of the more popular things to play with. They are less of a fad now.

Are the webkinz still fuzzy?

yes, webkinz are still fuzzy they always were and always will be fuzzy

Are Webkinz still trendy?

Yes, Webkinz is OUT! It went from huge to nothing. I don't know one person that has one anymore when a few years ago everyone had at least 3.

When will webkinz upgrading stop?

I'm guessing it's never. Webkinz is really popular and they try to make it more popular then ever.

Will the Webkinz pig retire in 2008?

no. 2010 it is expected to retire... with all the webkinz. that is how long webkinz is EXPECTED to be popular til.

Can you use a Webkinz card to renew your Webkinz?

Yes, if that webkinz card is an animal adoption card. That means that your webkinz account will still remain in Webkinz World.

Which website is most popular Webkinz or Build-a-Bearville?

Webkinz is in the lead, but B.A.B. is about to take the lead.