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I had my tubes tied after my 4th child. Last July 24hours after I had my child I was in the OR getting this done. I can tell you that my cycle is worse now then it was before I got pregnant. I am a person that can take pain and the cramping. Now everytime my cycle come on I am laid up for the first 2 days in pain so bad. I am a stay at home mom and you can just imagine what I go through with the 4 kids. I hope this answers your question.

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YES! My pain level went from a 2 or 3 to a 25. I mean like, whoa. Then too my flow went from 3 days to seven.

There is a syndrome (Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome) some women experience after a tubal ligation; they suffer from cramps, depression, heavier flow and a variety of symptoms. See a doctor if you believe you are having this problem.

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Q: Are bad menstrual cramps a side effect from getting your tubes tied?
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What are the side effects of getting your tubes tied and burned?

The side effects of female sterilization can include abnormal bleeding between menstrual cycles, missed menstrual cycles, and bladder infections.

Why do my ovaries hurt?

During the menstrual cycle, a specific chemical causes the ovaries to contract, temporarily cutting off the oxygen supply to the tubes. This is what causes cramps. If pain is very severe or is due to something other than the common menstrual cycle, it would be best to seek immediate medical attention.

Why do girls feel pain during there period?

Because some girls are very week so they cant bear the pain that's why Because their Fallopian tubes are squeezing and constricting, trying to get that single egg into the womb, thus giving the girl cramps Both of the above of very wrong. Especially the first. Here is the answer from the medical website "Menstrual cramps are caused by the uterine contractions that occur in response to prostaglandins and other chemicals. The cramping sensation is intensified when clots or pieces of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus pass through the cervix, especially if a woman's cervical canal is narrow. The difference between menstrual cramps that are more painful and those that are less painful may be related to a woman's prostaglandin levels. Women with menstrual cramps have elevated levels of prostaglandins in the endometrium (uterine lining) when compared with women who do not experience cramps. Menstrual cramps are very similar to those a pregnant woman experiences when she is given prostaglandin as a medication to induce labor."

What are the side affects tubes being tied?

More cramps and more bloating!

How does depo affect you if your tubes are tied and you want to come off the shot?

You might have irregular bleeding as your body resumes it's normal menstrual cycle. If you had cramps and breast tenderness with periods before depo, they'll likely return as your regular cycle starts again.

Can you still get a period after getting your tubes tied?

yes u still have periods. i had mine tied and my menstrual periods r more painful now and everyone i have spoken to that have theirs tied experienced the same thing,more painful cramps and heavier bleeding. hope this helps.

Could there be a strobe effect with fluorescent lighting?

Yes, it usually happens when the tubes are cold. As the fixture and tubes warm up this effect disappears.

How is the function of the uterus related to the menstrual cycle?

If sperm does not fertilize an egg that is released from the fallopian tubes each month, the uterus sheds its inner lining each month which is known as the menstrual period.

Do you still get a period once your ovaries and tubes have been removed?

of course, the monthly shedding come from the lining of the uterus ________________________ Removing the fallopian tubes (the passage from the ovaries to the uterus, called a "tubal ligation") will prevent a woman from having children, but she would still have monthly menstrual periods.

If you have a Hydrosalpinx can you still have your menstrual period?

Yes. I have hydrosapinx on both tubes and I have always had regular periods (every 28 days)

Do men have menstrual cycles?

No, since they don't have a uterus, fallopian tubes, or any of the other equipment that cause women to have their period.

What is getting your fallopian tubes tied?

getting your fallopian tubes tied is a medical procedure in which they tie off a womens fallopian tubes (where the egg gets released through into the womb) so she can not concieve (get pregnant).