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If they were on the endangered species list, you wouldn't be able to get any, they would be protected therefore illegal to own or sale. Emps are not an endangered species.


They are Cites appendix 2 listed so they are not endangered but considered at risk of becoming so due to over collection in the wild for the pet trade... so what does that mean APPENDIX II : (also known as appendix B) This category includes the so-called "monitored species", that is, species whose trade is monitored and contained. Commercial trade in these speciesis permitted, but is strictly regulated and every example must be issued with its own Cites certificate in order for a sale to take place. These certificates must show the details of the animal and of its import, the import licence and so on.... Hope this helps

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because people eat and kill them

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Q: Are emperor scorpions endangered
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The emperor penguin is not endangered.

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Are scorpions a endangered animal?

Depends what you use them for

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No, they are not endangered species.

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