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A sea louse is a small marine copepod that lives and feeds on fish. The term sea lice refers to several species of the Family Caligidae that infect fish. Sea lice are ectoparasites, meaning they attach to the outside of fish, either on skin, fins, or gills.

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Q: Are sea lice consumers
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Is lice a decomposer?

Lice are not decomposers. They are consumers.

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Sea anemones are consumers yes.

Are sea spiders and sea lice the same?

yes they are. They are the size of tarantulas

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What causes red blister rash on hands after swimming in the Caribbean sea?

I dont no but my Mum calls it sea lice, even tho sea lice dont rele effect humans

Where to find a food chain for a sea dragon?

Sea Dragons have no predators. They eat sea lice.

Are sea otters secondary or primary consumers?

Sea otters are secondary consumers. This because sea urchins are primary and sea otters eat sea urchins.

Are sea lice baby jellyfish?

They are larvae of jellyfish.

Is a sea turtle a secondary consumer or primary?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.

What do sea lice bites look like?

Sea lice bites are a common occurrence for those who swim in the Caribbean Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the waters off the coast of the Eastern and Western United States. Sea lice are tiny jellyfish larvae with stinging cells. Their bites usually appear underneath your bathing suit as a red rash with tiny blisters. Learn to treat sea lice bites and alleviate their associated symptoms.

Is a turtle a consumer or a secondary consumer?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.

Is a turtle a secondary consumer or a primary consumer?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.