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Q: Are there any songs about being a mechanic?
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What are the chances of getting a railroad Carmen job after being a mechanic in the army?

The chances of getting a railroad job after being an army mechanic are very good. Send any resume that you have to the railroad human resource office.

How much do you get paid for being a mechanic?

Not nearly as much as the garage that employs the mechanic.

What is the passive voice of The mechanic will repair the car?

The passive equivalent is "The car will be repaired by the mechanic."

Tips On Being A Gentleman?

don't do any of the things you hear in rap songs on the radio

What kind of training does being a mechanics require?

Following an Electo mechanic or mechanic course in school.

What songs did Pope Gregory write?

Pope Gregory the Great did not write any songs. He did, however, collect and catalog the music being used at that time by the Church.

What are some questions to ask when choosing an auto mechanic?

There are many questions one should ask their mechanic prior to the mechanic doing any work on their vehicle. One of the top question is the potential cost, length of time the car will be in the shop and the exact repairs being completed.

What are the bad points of being a mechanic?

you can get greasy

What is the purpose of any brake repair?

If your mechanic is honest, the purpose is to fix your brakes. If your mechanic is dishonest, the purpose is to enrich your mechanic.

What were some songs Pope Gregory wrote?

Pope Gregory the Great did not write any songs. He did, however, collect and catalog the music being used at that time by the Church.

Is love being used as a verb The group was more likely to play love songs than any other kind?

No - in that example, "love" is being used to describe the noun "songs". As such it would be recognized as an adjective in this instance.

What age do you retire from being a mechanic?

A mechanic never truly retires. He'll always find something to fix.