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Not just when they are squashed, when they are afraid too! Palmetto bugs. They are nasty. To me it smells like pink urinal sort of cherry scented cakes. ewwww

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Q: Are there such things as roaches that smell like cherries when they are squashed?
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Does alcohol smell like cherries?

Not unless it has cherry flavouring in it.

What don't cockroaches like the smell of?

cedar, eucalyptus oil and rosemary. Place essential oils of these scents on cotton balls and place where roaches have been seen. Re-apply oils to cotton every few days to keep scents strong and fresh.

What smell cherry like?

cherry like cherry smell indeed

Do cherry yums shoes smell like cherries?

im pretty sure yes they do

Does leaving cigarette ash on floors keep roaches away?

Roaches hate the smell of cigarettes. This one time when I was really high and tried to pass my stoge to this little roach crawling next to me and the thing took one whiff of it and fled!

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The reaction of benzoic acid with ethanol typically results in the formation of ethyl benzoate. Ethyl benzoate has a pleasant, fruity smell reminiscent of cherries or strawberries.

What are some things you can smell in Peru?

you can smell the food

What are the symptoms of synesthesia?

Someone who has synesthesia sees colours in numbers, letters, sound, or other things. There are many different types. Some people with synesthesia feel sounds, see pictures in names, believe numbers have personality, and many more things. You can take a free synesthesia test on . Something else is that the symptoms never change. say that if somebody smells cherries when they see the number 5. He or she will always smell cherries when they see the number 5 it will never change.

Can animal smell things you cannot?

yes somethings are there that animals can smell and we cannot smell

What things can you smell in garden?

Plants and Flowers are the most generic things that you find in a garden.

What insects smell bad after being squashed?

Stink bugs are known to emit a foul odor when squashed. This odor acts as a defense mechanism to deter predators. If disturbed or crushed, stink bugs release a pungent smell that is likened to a mix of cilantro and rotten eggs.

Why do you smell things?

Well, you smell things because you have a nose. Your mom and dad produced your nose so you can smell delicious, and somewhat nasty things. The little hairs in your nose help you smell also. Well, that's about it. and remember, ALWAYS keep your nose clean so you can smell!