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Alice Cooper played heavy medial

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Alice Cooper

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Q: Can Alice cooper play any instruments?
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Is Alice Cooper a man or a woman?

Although Alice is typically a woman's name, in the case of shock-rocker Alice Cooper, he is, and has always been, a man. Alice Cooper is just a stage name he came up with, claiming that he found it through the use of a ouija board and that it was the name of a witch burned at the stake many years ago. In reality, he just came up with the name because it sounded cool. In the case of Gary Cooper's mother, Alice Cooper is a woman. And this goes for any other woman named Alice whose surname (or married name) is Cooper.

Does Alice cooper have any tattoos?

Yes Bob Dylan does indeed have a or some tattoos.

Does Alice cooper own any snakes?

Yes, He owns a albino Burmese Python for a pet.

Does ariana Grandes play any instruments?

Yes she can play instruments She has said and shown that she can play the Piano/Keyboard

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What instruments does cam from down with Webster play?

He doesn't play any instruments, he does vocals as well as raps

What instruments does cheryl cole play?

She doesn't play any.

Does wiz khalifa play instruments?

no he doesnt play any