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I am a recent vetern of an abcessed tooth, and does. the abcess is an infection deep inside the root, that has reached it's way to the surface, causing severe pain, and swelling. It can also cause fevers, and loss of appitite(fear of the pain). If not drained, either on it's own(not recommended at all), or by a doctor/dentist, the infection can spread at a moderate rate causing need for hospital addmitance. Be carefull! spreading infection could lead to very bad could threaten your life. Get to a doctor a.s.a.p. It could get real serious!

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Q: Can an abcessed tooth hurt on the top and bottom of your gums?
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Had a tooth pulled 2 days ago was feeling fine but now there is a lot of pain in the gums where the tooth was is it infected or is this normal?

This is probably normal if your gums hurt.

Does it hurt getting your gums cut open to attach a bracket to a tooth inside your gums?

yes yes yes

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No it does not hurt getting a tooth pulled because the dentist will numb your gums. The shot they use to numb you up will hurt a little bit.

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The root of a tooth that has a bridge over it may in fact hurt. This can be caused by the bridge pushing into the gums, causing swelling and sometimes pain.

What do you do for an abcessed tooth?

By far the best thing is to go to a dentist. Abscessed teeth can lead to a more serious condition, not to mention hurt a lot. The dentist will open the tooth and pack it with antiseptics and probably put in a temporary filling.

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A lump that is under the gum of an abscessed tooth is likely to be an infection. It is necessary to see a dentist who can determine the best course of treatment and prevent further damage.

Why does it hurt to sallow when your wisdom tooth is cummin in?

Well food ends up touching the tooth. The tooth brand knew and not as strong as your other teeth. Also it might be from the tooth growing and breaking tissue in your gums.

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Take a cold wet wash cloth and just squeeze your gums under the loose tooth and you might have to pull up a little but it doesnt hurt sometimes you dont even realize that it cam out.

Can baby teeth hurt sometimes when they get loose?

Yes, baby teeth can hurt, and most of the time will hurt. The reason they hurt is because you are exposing tender gums and you are ripping roots out of the gums.

Is having a tooth brace put in painful?

well at the beginning it will be very painful for like a week and then as you get used to it it want hurt and your lips might get ripped or your gums might bleed.

Does the pain stop when a tooth dies?

No the pain is actually more excrutuiating, if the tooth "rots out of your head" that means that the tooth is rotten and fell out, causing your gums to decompise because of plaque, this process is painful, and implants hurt. This can actually lead tosurgery if you letit rot. So dont do that. Just go to the dentist -Dr.Toles