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Q: Can you buy two way radios for use in America?
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What can you do with two way radios?

You can use them to communicate with other people when you need to. Example: A cellphone is a two-way radio.

How do you use the word radios in a sentence?

Please help me to decide which of these two radios is the better bargain. We'll have to wait until the recon team radios in their coordinates.

Why did roosevelt use radios to communicate with citizens?

Most people had radios.

What frequencies do FRS radios use?

The frequencies that FRS radios use is channels 8 to 14 and 462 to 467. FRS radios are Family Radio Service radios and can be bought from Radio Shack and Amazon.

What type of waves to cell phones use?

Radio, i.e. electromagnetic. They are simply two-way radios.

Can you use two way radios to transmit video signals?

No the circuits are not designed to handle video frequency

What are two uses of electromagnetic radiation in your world on earth?

we use electromagnetic waves in radios and cell phones

Can you use more than 2 two way radios together?

Yes. As long as they are on the same frequency you can use as many as you want.

What are the disadvantages of two way radios?

There really aren't many advantages, except that once you buy a two way radio, you don't have to pay a monthly bill to be able to communicate. However, the range is so small that you will hardly be able to use it at all like a cell phone.

What type of radios do semi trucks use?

The AM/FM/CD/etc. radios are the same as found in cars.

Have there been any studies that have linked two way radios to brain cancer?

There have been several studies on links between cell phones and cancer but no there are no definitive conclusions. I'm not aware of any studies on two-way radios and brain cancer. Current advice is to limit their use in children and make shorter calls, so if you are concerned about two-way radios this might also apply.

Does the bill use real motorola Mth800 radios?

The Bill does use real Motorola MTH800 Radios their owned by the met but the radios are not actually on while they are shooting the programme as it needs to be on TMO mode for them to use it which they can't while the real police are using this.