"No & Yes" The link I have here can help you with a citation for (MIP) If you are in a vehicle and you are not the driver never give info only answers! Never admit to the knowledge of the alcolhol being in the automobile/ or of control & possession of any alcohol. This link will help in a situation where you did not consume alcohol or had nothing to do with it. http://www.juvenilelaw.org/Articles/MIPCases.pdf Signed: Father of a son that was wrongly charged,
A drinking vessel for beer. It's a mug.
they didnt
Yes he drinks beer. I know that because he's 20 and a picture shows him drinking beer (at least looks like it) on a boat.
That is largely a myth.
It's beer stup!d!
There are only seven states that allow open containers in a vehicle and Ohio is not one of them. These states are Connecticut, Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, Mississippi, Virginia, and West Virginia. Driving with a passenger drinking a beer in Ohio could result in a very stiff fine.
No you can't. You should not drink and drive.
It is not legal in Alberta to drive a motor vehicle with an open container of alcohol. This law also affects the passenger who is drinking alcohol.
Most states have open container laws that state its a no no. You will not get the ticket the passenger will but you will be hasseled for searches and checks that you dont need. Where ever you are driving to, if the person with you can abstain for that amount of time, dont drive them in your car. What if you get in an accident and have to prove you werent drinking, if someone gets severely hurt. It is your car you make the rules...
The CEO of the Meister Beer Drinking Club is Gleason Farris.
he is drinking beer = él toma una cerveza
You can't be serious. Answer: Of course not, if it was legal, you would not have been cited.
A drinking vessel for beer. It's a mug.
Old Man Drinking a Glass of Beer was created in 1897.
Drinking beer will not make you strong.
Hellboy drinks Tecate Beer