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Q: Can you return part of an electric drum?
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Where can one purchase electric drum sets?

A person can purchase electric drum sets from stores that sell various musical instruments or online. Some online sites that sell electric drum sets include zZounds and Guitar Center.

Do you properly play the drums on an electric drum kit?

your question does not make much sense. what is the point of an electric drum if you can't play 'properly' on it?

Do you have to plug electric drum kits into computers?


What part of the drums vibrates?

The head of the drum, the part that is struck by drum sticks, vibrates.

What country did the electric drum originate from?

The first electronic drum was the Pollard Syndrum, which was made in California.

Is a bongo drum part of the standard drum set or drum kit?


Which part of Drum is vibrating part?

The skin of the drum vibrates to produce sound.

What family does the instrument snare drum belong to?

The snare drum, as you may know, is part of the drum kit. Therefore, as drums are part of the percussion family, the snare drum is part of the percussion family.

Where can you buy electric drum cymbals?

Instrument shops.

What electric drum should you get?

it depends on you and what you want to use it for :)

Can you add drum pads onto an electric drum set?

Yes, as long as the controller has open spots.