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Q: Changes that have been made to the oboe?
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Related questions

How is the oboe instrument made?

Oboe is made of Grenilla wood

Who discovered the oboe?

the oboe wasnt discovered it was made.

Is the oboe a woodwind or brass?

An oboe is a woodwind instrument because an oboe reed is made of wood.

Has there ever been a how its made episode on how they make an oboe?

No, so far on the show how it's made hasn't showed how to make an oboe. I really wish they had though and a bassoon as well. I play both if you were wondering

Where was the oboe made?

In France

Was the oboe made from a factory or hand made?

hand made

When was the oboe made?


What is the oboe made of?

African Blackwood

How was the oboe made?

by using a machine

Why was the oboe made?

to play music?

Is an oboe a woodwind bras or percussion instrument?

An oboe is a woodwind instrument (the reed is made of wood)

What were oboes made of when they were first invented?

Oboes were derived from Shawms, and when the changes that crossed the line between shawm and oboe happened, the materials most likely used would have been wood (primarily boxwood) and brass. The reeds have always been Arundo Donax and closely related varieties.