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Q: Could someone attach a score for the Titanic to play on the VIOLA?
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Related questions

What were the instruments in the movie Titanic called?

Violin, viola, cello.

What is the antonym for violin?

A violist is someone that plays the viola. There isn't really the opposite of that other than someone that doesn't play the viola.

What level does rhydon evolve at with the protector?

Rhydon evolves by trade, not level. Attach the Protector to it, trade it, and viola! Rhypherior at your command!

Why cant viola tell duke orsino that she is a girl?

cuz that's the whole point of the movie...viola could trust no oneeeeeeee

Can someone restrain the violin to be a viola?

The violin will not by itself try to become a viola, so it doesn't have to be restrained. Should you want to restring it, you would have to use viola strings en set them at the right pitch. But since a viola is larger than a violin, you'll never get the exactly right viola sound in the ears of connaisseurs. Lesser people will hardly hear the difference.

Why does viola want to see olivias face?

It is easier to read someone's reactions that way.

How do you play clocks by coldplay on viola?

You can't because Viola does not use the Treble clef. But it can betransposedintoTreble clef or you could learn to read Treble clef

Why is the instrument viola so awesome?

That is an opinion that cannot be answered. Note that opinions cannot be proven. (The viola could be appealing to you because of its sound, like me.)

How do you do you spronounce voila?

It's said as vuala or instead of saying viola,you could say tada. And also viola means "there you have it" or "here it is in English and viola is in French.Also try pronouncing it as "vuala" and try to pronouce it letter by letter.

How many players in string family?

Violin Viola Cello Double Bass Harp violotta (Tenor Viola) viola pomposa (five strings)

When was a viola made?

The viola was created in the 1500s and our modern viola was created in the 19th century.The viola was made before the violin was!

Where is the Viola Township in Viola located?

The address of the Viola Township is: 100 N. Grice, Viola, 67149 0547