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Did Ariana Grande have any strugglesas becoming famous

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Q: Did Ariana Grande struggled in which she became successful?
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How long has Ariana Grande been famous?

In 2008, Ariana played the role of Charlotte in the musical 13 on Broadway, but Ariana Grande became real famous when she appeared on the Nickelodeon show Victorious in 2010.

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Very High. lol back in the day. She was a spinto soprano, but in the late 80s to early 90s she became a Mezzo Soprano. Now she maybe a counter tenor Women are never counter tenors. Counter tenor only refers to males. Don't believe what the original so-called answer said. Sorry that I don't know her highest note but I had to correct the person giving out false information. Women are (from highest to lowest voice type) sopranos, mezzo sopranos and contraltos.

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