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Its not known how much he gave over the years but it was a lot. Every year he would hand out checks but the rule was there would be no publicity over it. One year he gave a boat to St Jude and it was auctioned off and the money used. All the money from the Aloha Concert went to a Cancer fund. I hope this helps.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Elvis gave 1,mill a year to local organazations, but the best part is he did'NT let his accountant wright it off . said if he did , it would be like the govn't gave it and he would'NT feel right

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12y ago

Yes Elvis was one of, if not "the", most charitable supporting entertainer who ever lived.

Some of Elvis' charitable contributions are as follows:

1.On March 24, 1961 Elvis performed in Hawaii for a benefit concert, held at the Bloch Arena, to raise money for a memorial for the USS Arizona which had sank during the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 historically known as "a day that will live in infamy". Elvis raised $ 65,000.00 and a plaque was prominently placed, at the memorial site, acknowledging Elvis' efforts in raising the money.

2.In in 1964 Elvis bought the FDR Presidential Yacht named the Potomac and donated it to the St. Judes Children s Research Hospital, who ultimately sold it for an amount of $55,000.00, spearheaded at the time by entertainer Danny Thomas (Father of Marlo Thomas aka: "That Girl" TV Star and wife of Phil Donahue the talk show host).

3.In 1968 Elvis allowed one of his Rolls Royce to be auctioned off for a charity that assisted mentally retarded children.

4.In 1973 Elvis performed the first "live concert/broadcast via Worldwide satellite", which was seen by a record audience of over ONE BILLION people, known as "Aloha from Hawaii". This concert was actually a benefit concert for the Kuiokalani Lee Cancer Fund. The goal was to raise $ 25,000.00 but this amount was greatly exceeded and actually raised $ 75,000.00.

5.In 1975 Elvis gave a concert in Jackson Mississippi that raised in excess of $ 100,000.00 for victims of a tornado. This concert was deeply personal to Elvis because when Elvis was a child a tornado tore through his hometown in Tupelo, Mississippi and killed many people. Also, in 1975 during the month of July Elvis bought and then gave away 13 Cadillac s including to (bank teller) Mennie Person who was admiring Elvis' limo that was parked outside of the dealership. Elvis also gave her a check to buy new clothes.

Some of the Charities that Elvis donated to, supported, etc. were (in alphabetical order) as follows:

American Cancer Society

Arthritis Foundation

Bethany Maternity Home

Braille Institute of America

Father Flanagan's Boys Town of Nebraska

Fraternal Order of Police

Goodwill Industries

Junior League

Kidney Foundation

Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center

March of Dimes

Motion Picture Relief Fund

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Salvation Army

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

United Cerebral Palsy Association


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12y ago

Each year beginning in 1955 and ongoing up through (sadly) his death in1977 (i.e. August 16,m 1977).

Kudos to Priscilla and Lisa Marie for continuing Elvis' tradition and giving countless charities, and people, donations and monies annually.

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11y ago

Some of the Charities that Elvis donated to, supported, etc. were (in

alphabetical order) as follows:

American Cancer Society

Arthritis Foundation

Bethany Maternity Home

Braille Institute of America

Father Flanagan's Boys Town of Nebraska

Fraternal Order of Police

Goodwill Industries

Junior League

Kidney Foundation

Le Bonheur

Children's Medical Center

March of Dimes

Motion Picture

Relief Fund

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Salvation Army

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

United Cerebral Palsy Association


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11y ago


Some of Elvis' charitable contributions are engrained in Elvis Presley Fans memories but some, as an example his 1957 donation to his High School Ala mater Humes High School in the amount of $ 1,050.00 so that all of the students could attend the (annual) E. H. Crump Memorial football game for the Blind in Memphis, Tennessee, have been overlooked and/or not fully acknowledged.

In 1956 and in 1957 Elvis opted to perform life concerts at the Tupelo Fairgrounds in order to raise money for the "Elvis Presley Youth Foundation". On July 4, 1956 Elvis performed at Russwood Park in Memphis selling 14,000 tickets. The proceeds went to the "Cynthia Milk Fund" and to the "Variety Club's home for Convalescent Children". During these same years (i.e. 1956 and 1957) Elvis posed for national ad campaigns to prevent Polio and to raise money for the March of Dimes.

Elvis routinely sought out to visit and to give a hug to children faced with "life threatening illnesses". Elvis personally visited Hospitals with the intent to simply show the children that…he cared. In spite of the smiles Elvis mustered, for the cherished photographs that fans took of Elvis with these children, these interactions affected Elvis deeply and many times Elvis was moved to tears and attempting to compose himself while waving goodbye to the groups gathered in an attempt to get a glimpse of the King of Rock and Roll.

Elvis often donated the stuffed animals that he had received from fans Worldwide, which numbered in the hundreds, to children at local Hospitals in addition to allowing his own clothes, personal possessions, to be auctioned off for charity. Throughout his life Elvis would visit with the "Graceland Secretary s", who among other tasks went through Elvis' mail, and if a photograph, a request, or a story touched Elvis he would immediately take steps to help the people involved.

Whether it was paying off people's debts, helping a family whose Father had died in the line of duty, paying off someones mortgage, buying them a home, buying them a car, or giving a disabled person a new wheelchair if Elvis knew about it…he helped. I have always believed that the greatest gift one can give…is of themselves and this is true of Elvis Presley. Interestingly, more times than not Elvis asked one thing for the money he routinely gave to others and that was for his giving to remain solely between him and those who were tasked to making sure the people received the money.

Some of the more publicized charities Elvis gave to were;

  1. On March 24, 1961 Elvis performed in Hawaii for a benefit concert, held at the Bloch Arena, to raise money for a memorial for the USS Arizona which had sank during the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 historically known as "a day that will live in infamy". Elvis raised $ 65,000.00 and a plaque was prominently placed, at the memorial site, acknowledging Elvis' efforts in raising the money. Sadly, the plaque was removed due to the acts of a few powerful "non-Elvis fans" and the return of this plaque remains an emphasis of mine and should be to Elvis Presley Fans Worldwide.
  2. In in 1964 Elvis bought the FDR Presidential Yacht named the Potomac and donated it to the St. Judes Children s Research Hospital, who ultimately sold it for an amount of $55,000.00, spearheaded at the time by entertainer Danny Thomas (Father of Marlo Thomas aka: "That Girl" TV Star and wife of Phil Donahue the talk show host). One bit of humor involving this event was that Colonel Parker, upon inspecting the yacht the morning that Elvis would personally present the yacht to Danny Thomas with many members of the press being present, saw that the yacht was in dire need of maintenance including paint. As only the Colonel would he authorized ONLY the side of the yacht that would be photographed to be freshly painted leaving the rest of the yacht discolored with peeling paint evident.
  3. In 1968 Elvis allowed one of his Rolls Royce to be auctioned off for a charity that assisted mentally retarded children.
  4. In 1973 Elvis performed the first "live concert/broadcast via Worldwide satellite", which was seen by a record audience of over ONE BILLION people, known as "Aloha from Hawaii". This concert was actually a benefit concert for the Kuiokalani Lee Cancer Fund. The goal was to raise $ 25,000.00 but this amount was greatly exceeded and actually raised $ 75,000.00.
  5. In 1975 Elvis gave a concert in Jackson Mississippi that raised in excess of $ 100,000.00 for victims of a tornado. This concert was deeply personal to Elvis because when Elvis was a child a tornado tore through his hometown in Tupelo, Mississippi and killed many people. Also, in 1975 during the month of July Elvis bought and then gave away 13 Cadillac s including to (bank teller) Mennie Person who was admiring Elvis' limo that was parked outside of the dealership. Elvis also gave her a check to buy new clothes and in return Elvis received a hug and a kiss and a memory that was…priceless.

For every charitable act mentioned in this article there are many more that Elvis performed during his lifetime (such as annually presenting checks to approximately 50 Charities/Organizations each year in Memphis and each check was for a minimum of $1,000.00, giving over $10,000.00 to the Memphis Jewish Community Center Building Fund, etc.,).

As a DIEHARD Elvis Presley Fan, Collector, Advocate, Historian, and Expert the lesson that Elvis left was (among others) that we are all equal in Gods' eyes and helping those in need is honorable and therefore seeking unnecessary publicity in giving is…unnecessary.

No publicity, no tax write off, etc. is what Elvis did and what he believed and when one compares his efforts to those in the "entertainment industry" today there is clearly a vast distinction in intent. While all giving, to those in need, is honorable when one gives SOLELY for the purpose of giving, and derives on monetary benefit (i.e. tax write off), it is deserving of our respect and acknowledgment hence the reason for this specific article.

In recognition of Elvis' charitable contributions Memphis Mayor William Ingram, along with the Governor of Tennessee Buford Ellington, officially declared October 29, 1967, "Elvis Presley Day" in the city of Memphis and in the State of Tennessee.

Some of the Charities that Elvis donated to, supported, etc. were (in alphabetical order) as follows:

American Cancer Society

Arthritis Foundation

Bethany Maternity Home

Braille Institute of America

Father Flanagan's Boys Town of Nebraska

Fraternal Order of Police

Goodwill Industries

Junior League

Kidney Foundation

Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center

March of Dimes

Motion Picture Relief Fund

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Salvation Army

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

United Cerebral Palsy Association


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14y ago

Yes, 1 mil a year but he wrote it.

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Did Charles bronson like Elvis Presley?

Yes Charles Bronson liked (in addition to respected, admired, befriended, etc.) Elvis Presley. And Elvis liked, respected, admired, etc. Charles Bronson as well.

Elvis Presley and Col Tom Parker?

Simple answer is that they needed each other. Additionally, after Elvis' passing Colonel Parker was sued by Elvis' estate and it was proven without a doubt that Colonel Parker had unfairly benefited (i.e. through perks that Elvis was unaware of, through overcharging, to having "side contracts" which Elvis never knew about and thus lowered the amount of money Elvis would have gotten had the contract not of been reduced by the money paid to Colonel Parker, that Colonel Parker had cheated Elvis out of millions of dollars pertaining to their various company's as well as concert memorabilia, and lastly the Colonel received 50% and Elvis received 50% BUT Elvis had to pay, out of his 50%, for; the band, the backup singers, hotel expenses, travel, etc.. In summary, Colonel Parker could have - and should have - maximized Elvis' live appearances in Las Vegas (i.e. charged higher ticket prices), maximized Elvis' live concert appearances, equally participated in the expenses of Elvis' backup group, band, etc. Lastly, from 1972 until Elvis' death in 1977 his health (mentally, physically, and emotionally) deteriorated. Since Elvis had so many relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. that monetarily depended on him he never had the opportunity to seek real meaningful medical care - aftercare treatment - rest & recovery - and allowed to heal...without pressure. Had Colonel Parker not of had these "conflicts of interest" he should have, and could have, struck a balance where Elvis was paid more money (gross and net) and toured less thus being able to get medical care to address his very real medical issues.

What is th meaning of the Elvis song in the gheeto?

A cycle of pain, loss, and hardship that a mother endures concerning her child who is caught up in a world of violence and without means (i.e. money, wealth, etc.).

What were some of elvis's important achievmetns?

Elvis received three Grammy for his Gospel albums. Elvis was the largest single monetary contributor to the Memorial at Pearl Harbour and the USS Arizona Elvis was the largest contributor to Saint Jude and actually gave Danny Thomas, on behalf of Saint Jude, the boat of President Roosevelt which was valued at $50,000.00 Elvis was the ONLY movie star in which everyone of his movies made money Elvis' Aloha From Hawaii 1973 Concert was seen by the LARGEST Television audience of all time....over one and a half BILLION people Elvis, from 1956 through 1977 played every venue SOLD OUT Elvis holds the records in Las Vegas for selling out the largest venue and for the amount of money raised (i.e. hotel stays, gambling, etc.) when he performed. Elvis has sold well over one and a half BILLION records overall. The problem has been that Sony, for whatever reason(s), refuses to publicly state the number of Elvis records it has sold for four decades. Each year Elvis gave FIFTY CHECKS to local charities and each check was a MINIMUM of one thousand dollars Elvis donated the proceeds of many concerts to Tornado, Storm victims to rebuild their lives Lastly, Elvis' beautiful and talented daughter....Lisa Marie Presley

Is Jeffrey Schrembs an Elvis Presley Expert or a Collector or both?

Jeff schrembs started collecting Elvis items in the late 1960's and is reported to own one of the largest Elvis Presley collections in the world Jeff schrembs has written numerous articles, blogs, etc., along with contributions to numerous Elvis Presley books, about Elvis Presley. Jeff schrembs is a founding member to numerous Elvis Presley clubs, organizations, periodicals, etc. Jeff schrembs is widely respected worldwide for his contributions, always factual and complete, about Elvis. Jeff schrembs is an Elvis Presley advocate and is an asset to the Elvis community. so, the answer is Jeff schrembs IS an Elvis Presley expert AND a collector.

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Some well-known charities that donate for children in need include Save the Children, UNICEF, World Vision, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. These organizations work globally to provide support, resources, and aid to children facing various challenges such as poverty, disease, and disaster.

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you could donate things like charity, clothes or things that you don't need anymore (toys, books etc.)

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Go and spend some time with them or donate some money, clothes, etc.

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charity for a business... charity: a word made for giving to good causes. well, don't expect anyone to just give you the money! sell stuff, bake, lamonade, etc.

Is charity included in GDP?

Yes and no. Simply, no. Charity is not a component of GDP. Practically though, yes it is counted because charities have to purchase things or give money to people who in turn purchase things. This becomes the biggest portion of GDP: consumption. Say you donate $1,000 to Habitat for Humanity. This $1,000 is NOT calculated in GDP. But Habitat will then turn around and purchase lumber, nails, dry wall, insulation, etc etc etc with that $1,000. At that point it becomes part of GDP.

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You can go to a local charity that gives things to the war of your choice and donate things like prepaid phone cards, clothes, canned goods, etc.

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I am not positive about this, but I heard that all you need to do is a fund raiser, etc. and donate the money earned via text message or letter.

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What help did people get?

charity was given by good citizens like food items,clothes,money,medicines etc