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Q: Did Johann Sebastian bach play the oboe?
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Who taught Johann Sebastian Bach to play the violin?

His Father

What kind of stuff does Johann Sebastian Bach like to do?

Johann Sebastian Bach favorite things to do is play the piano,dance,probly eat,and sometimes sing.

What church pieces did Johann Sebastian bach play?

he played organ and piano He also played the harpsichord.

Did Bach ever played a oboe?

Yes, as a young child, Bach could already play the violin, trumpet, flute, and oboe very well

Can anyone help me find a good tuba solo?

Prelude and Fugue Bb Major by Johann Sebastian Bach :) It's not too big, but it is fun to play!

Who taught bach music?

His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, town and court musician of Eisenach taught Johann Sebastian Bach music.

What changes to the piano did Johann Christian Bach make to the piano?

Actually it was not Johann Christian Bach who made the first changes, but his father, Johann Sebastian Bach.Prior to Johann Sebastian Bach, the piano (or clavier as it was originally known) was not played using the thumbs or the fourth fingers. JS Bach was the first one to play the piano using his thumbs with his hands rounded on the keyboard. He hardly moved his hands, unlike keyboardists who preceded him, yet kept his fingers well rounded on the keyboard.Johann Christian Bach was the eleventh son of Johann Sebastian Bach. He made some significant changes to the nature of piano music, as his compositional style tended towards the more expressive. He is less known, simply because the magnificent career of his father overshadowed his own work. Also, because Johann Christian spent much time in Britain, his style developed differently. He was sometimes known as the "English Bach".

What instruments did Johann Sebastian Bach play?

Bach played many instruments like the violin, viola, organ, and harpsichord.

How old was Bach when he wrote prelude No 1?

Bach never played the piano. He played organ, harpsichord and violin. He might have owned a piano in his later years just before his death, but this is debatable.

What were Johann Sebastian Bach's inspiration?

Johann Sebastian Bach was very fond of the music of Dieterich Buxtehude, he even walked over 400 kilometres just to hear him play. You can hear many similarities between their music. It is also safe to assume that he was aware of the music of his day and that of course affects every composer of any time in some way.