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Q: Did Miles Davis play any Mozart music?
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What music did Mozart play?

Classical Music

Did Mozart learn how to play music in his house?


What instruments does Mozart music play?

Mozart played the piano At the age of only 3 :O

What music instruments do Mozart know how to play?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could play the clavier, organ, pianoforte, violin and viola.

What type of music does Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart play?


Did Mozart play music Fidelio Racco's house?

Yes he did.

What sort of classical music did Mozart play?

mostly his own

What trumpet miles Davis play?

miles davis played the martin commitee trumpet

Where did Mozart play his music often?

In the loo..................Where do you think? Ellisa x

How did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart play music for?

This question can't be answered because it is grammatically confusing. Are you asking: How did WAM play music? or Who did WAM play for?

Who did Miles Davis play in a band with?

Who didn't he play in a band with?

What was Mozart's inspiration to play the piano?

Mozart never said what his inspiration was for learning to play the piano. However, based on the fact that he spent his whole life composing and playing music we can assume that he at least liked music. So his inspiration was probably just that he liked music.