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No. In an interview with Q100, she said like she liked him a lot, but only as a friend. She said she had a boyfriend already. She then joked about, since Justin is so short, she said that he could be her pocket-size boyfriend, and her boyfriend would be her life-size one.

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Q: Did Miley Cryus like Justin Bieber?
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Did Miley Cryus say that Justin Bieber was like a little brother to her?

No that was Selena Gomez who said that. Ah but that was a total lie unless her life long dream was to date her brother!

Does Justin Bieber hate Miley Cyrus?

NO he doesn't hate Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus like eachother.

Does Justin Bieber know Miley Cyrus?

yes he did=) he like her

Where do you can find a video of Justin bieber kissing Miley Cyrus?

Justin Bieber did go on a date with Miley Cyrus, but they did not kiss and there is no REAL video of Justin Bieber kissing Miley Cyrus. The rest is like fan made or messed up from another picture or video!

Do Justin Bieber go with Miley Cyrus?

no he doesn't like her and Justin is single plus miley is.... well u probably already know

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Who does miley cryus like?

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Is Justin bieber like a brother to mlley cryus?

no way jb is dating Selena Gomez and Selena Gomez and miley cyris are like sistas

Does Miley Cyrus like Justin Bieber?

No, Miley Cyrus does not like Justin Bieber. no she don't like Justin Bieber...

Did Miley Cryus say that Justin Bieber was like a little brother to her?

No that was Selena Gomez who said that. Ah but that was a total lie unless her life long dream was to date her brother!

Do Miley Cyrus like Justin bieber?

Justin Bieber said In an Interview "She's not my type...Shes cool But i Just Dont like Her." And Miley said in A interview"Justin I Hate that Kid my sister loves him IDK WHY no i dont like him." So the answer Is No Miley Doesnt Like Bieber and Justin Doesnt like miley.

Does Justin Bieber hate Miley Cyrus?

NO he doesn't hate Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus like eachother.

Why don't Miley Cyrus like Justin bieber?

Miley Cyrus is like 18 and Justin Bieber is only 16 and JB is gay.

Does Justin Bieber like miley?


Why doesn't Justin Bieber like Miley?

Because miley is goth and a liar

Does jb like Miley?

No. Justin Bieber likes Beyonce.

Does Justin Bieber like Miley Cyrus's music?

i think not