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Q: Did antonio dated Shakira or Shakira dated antonio?
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Related questions

Who Is Shakira Going Out With?

Shakira is engaged to Antonio de la Rua.

Who has Shakira dated?

not me but, if she wants to I'm single

Why Shakira and lil wayn are they dating?

No they're not dating. But he was in Shakira's song called 'Give It Up To Me'. Shakira is engaged to Antonio De La Rua

Who is the boyfriend of Shakira?

Shakira is engaged to Antonio de la Rua. He is from Argentina and his Dad was the former president in that country.

Who is Shakiras boyfriend?

Shakira is engaged to Antonio de la Rua. His Dad is the former president of Argentina.

Is Shakira really married to a prince?

No, but she is engaged to Antonio de la Rua.

What is the profession of antonio de la rua?

He's lawyer, but he worked as Shakira's maneger.

How many years is she with Antonio de la Rua?

If you are about Shakira, they were dating for 10 years, but they broke up.

Is Shakira still with Antonio De La Rua?

no,he is now dating with gerrad pique Barcelona central defender.

Who is husband of Shakira?

Piqué is Shakira's second serious partner. Shakira's first and only husband was Antonio de la Rúa, Argentinian lawyer and son of former governor and Argentine president Fernando de la Rúa. Shakira and Gerard aren't married, as Shakira has said before, "we have never been a traditional couple.”

Has shikiara got a boyfriend?

Shakira is engaged to Antonio De La Rua who is from Argentina and he is also the son of the former President of Argentina.

What is Shakira's boyfriend's name?

She has been dating Antonio de la Rúa since 2000, they got engaged in 2006.