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No, he's never been in any of Michael's videos.

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Q: Did omer bhatti dance in Michael Jackson videos?
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Well Yea Cause In One Of Michael Jackson Music Videos ''Jam'' Michael Jackson Taught Michael Jordan Some Dancemoves

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No, Michael Jackson taught Michael Jackson how to dance. Period. Dot. The End!

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Yes it can teach you how to dance like Michael Jackson

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Omarion Is The King Of Dance & Michael Jackson Is The King Of Pop

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Michael Jackson is their daddy and they could have learned how to dance like him so they mostly know how to dance like him.

What wedsite can you go to too find how to dance like Michael Jackson?

Look it up on youtube, videos are better. I hear there is a DVD too

What did Michael Jackson learn as he was growing up?

Michael Jackson learned how to sing and dance

How do you dance the Thriller dance?

Just copy Michael Jackson :)

When did Michael Jackson first dance with a group?

The Jackson 5

Is Chris Brown a better dance than Michael Jackson?

Different types of dance. Michael Jackson is a legend and wins with the moonwalk however.

Which Michael Jackson dance is the hardest?

The hardest Michael Jackson move to do is the lean because you have to have the special shoes.

Who dance better then Michael Jackson?

No one in the world except Michael Jackson is the best in dancing