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Q: Different bells and tuning forks have their own natural vibrations and emit their own tones when struck. How is this analogous to atoms Molecule and light?
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How is the ozone layer different from oxygen?

Ozone is a tri oxygen molecule. It is formed in a natural process by the action of UV light on oxygen molecule.

When a forced vibrations matches an object's natural frequency does it resonate?


What are all Maryland's Natural resources?

an element is an atom or molecule made up of a single type of atom a compound is a molecule made up of two or more different elements

What are the differences between free vibrations and forced vibrations?

a body A capable of vibrating, is made to vibrate another vibrating body B, Astarts vibrating with the natural frequency of B. now the vibrations of Aare called forced vibrations. example;vibration on sonameter.

What is the natural vibrations of particles that drive diffusion?

brownian motion

Is natural gas a mineral?

No, natural gas is not a mineral. It is an organic molecule.

Write the vibrational energy equation which contributes to the internal energy of a molecule?

Molecular vibrations are one of the ways in which a molecule stores chemical energy. For a diatomic molecule, the vibrational can be approximated by the quantum harmonic oscillator. The vibrational energy Ev is Ev = (v + 1/2)hv0 where v is an integer representing vibrational quantum numbers such that v = 0,1,2,3,..., where v=0 for a diatomic molecule at the ground vibrational state; h is Planck's constant; and v0 is the natural frequency of the harmonic oscillator.

What are some similarities in divergent and convergent evolution?

The adaptive traits that arise through convergent evolution are called analogous. These are the same adaptive solutions that arise in different organisms facing very similar environmental challenges and having analogous mutations to come to similar traits through natural selection. Wings in birds, bats and insects are examples of this.

What is it called when vibrations cause a second object to vibrate?

When vibrations from one object cause another object to vibrate, it is called resonance. Resonance occurs when the natural frequency of the second object matches the frequency of the vibrations of the first object, resulting in increased amplitude and sustained vibrations in the second object.

What is the most predominant carbon molecule in natural gas?


Is nitrogen dioxide a molecule or a compound?

none it is a natural gas

How many Br2O molecules of different masses naturally exist?

Bromine has 2 natural isotopesOxygen has 3 natural isotopesWhile there are 4 combinations of isotopes of bromine in this molecule, there are only 3 different masses of bromine: heavy-heavy, heavy-light, and light-light.Thus 3 x 3 = 9 different masses.