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No not really her feet is sensitive.

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Q: Do Alicia Keys feet look ugly?
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What does bow wow feet look like?

In one word actually they are gorgious not ugly at all

Name something ugly that grows on your feet?

Something ugly that grows on your feet is a verruca. A verruca is a type of wart. Something else that can grow on the feet and is ugly is a bunion.

What celebs have ugly feet?

All of them feet are weird.

Do ugly people think that they look normal or do they think that normal people look ugly?

They think that normal look ugly i would know since my bffl's sis is ugly lolz

Is it look PASSED the beauty and see the ugly or look PAST the beauty and see the ugly?


What is for a sentence ugly?

The 1800's costume felt scratchy and looked ugly. Many teenagers worry they look ugly. The feeling of being ugly rarely is accurate about how a person actually looks. A thing can look ugly to one person, but look beautiful to another person.

What is something ugly that can grow on your feet?


Why do you hate the word feet?

they're ugly!

Name something ugly that can grow on our feet?

warts and fungus, two things that can get pretty ugly.

Do Asian girls have nice feet?

No! Very ugly. Worst of all the feet out there.

There is no ugly person?

you get so ugly your face will look better than mine, then after that you will turn ugly again

Do i look ugly?
