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Yes, although it's more often called Ab.

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Q: Do composers ever use g sharp major?
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Which major scale has most sharps?

A♯, B♯, Cx (double sharp), D♯, E♯, Fx (G), Gx (A) and back to A♯.It is much simpler to use B♭ Major, which goes:B♭, C, D, E♭, F, G, A and B♭.

What did composers use before major and minor scales?

The system of tonality was not invented, so they used modes. Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian...

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Minimalist composers use repeating rhythms and harmonies that change gradually.

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Firstly, there is no B minor chord in the key of F sharp minor. Rather, it is A sharp minor chord. And you can use any chord at the end of a chord progression. Why not!

Why Composers use graphic scores?

cos they do

What is the use of sharp and flat in each signature?

it is used to determine the highness and lowness of a tone and to determine what key major it is.

What techniques did American composers use?

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Has a possum ever been known to bite a human?

Oh my yes. If you corner one they will bite to get away. They have very sharp teeth and know how to use them. mostly they use there claws as they are more affective and are rasor sharp but the mouth is always an option

Do composers ever switch from a sharp key to a flat key within the same piece of music?

Yes composers can go from any key to any other. Through complicated kinds of modulations or simple mode mixtures. Mode mixture would be the easiest form of "key change" in terms of writing sharps and flats, however, your ears don't perceive it as a key change because the tonic note hasn't changed. For example, the key of D major has 2 sharps F# and C#. If you use mode mixture and change to D minor then there is on flat, Bb. These keys are written differently but the tonic note in each key is the note D.

When did composers start to use rounds?

The round is a very primitive form of musical structure. It goes back before composers were identified by name.

What major scale has 3 sharps?

C Sharp Major has 6 key signatures which are all sharps:F#C#G#D#A#E#B#There is also another major key that has 7 sharp keys.

Who was one of the first composers to use clear rhyming notation?

Franco of Cologne