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Q: Do peas have tendrils
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What dominance is a sweet pea tendrils?

When sweet pea plants with tendrils are crossed with those without tendrils, all the offspring have tendrils. This is simple dominance with tendrils dominant and no tendrils recessive.

What does a sweet pea look like?

Typical sweet peas have two leaves and two tendrils that cling and assist the vines to climb towards the sky. The leaves for the sweet peas are long and narrow with a slight point at the end.

The word tendrils in a sentence?

Tendrils are threads.

How do you use tendrils in a sentence?

An example of the word "tendrils" in a sentence is, "Tendrils of smoke were seen from the extinguished campfire." Tendrils means something that is thin and wispy.

Is the pea plant in climber or creeper?

A pea plant has tendrils and will scramble up nearby uprights.

How would you use tendrils in a sentence?

the tendrils scared the child.

What is the difference between a leaf tendrils and stem tendrils?

Leaf tendrils originate either from stipules or leaflets whereas the stem tendrils are modification of axillary buds representing the stem branches.

What is the synonym and antonym for tendrils?

A synonym for "tendrils" is coils. An antonym for "tendrils" is straight strands. Please see the related link below.

What is a quick growing plant that has tendrils?

Plants that reach for support to grow. Like peas, beans, vines Besides, cucumber , pumpkin and gourd also have....

Does passion flower have tendrils?

Yes, they do. The tendrils are slender, coiling, with modified stem structures.

Does bougainvillea have tendrils?

No, bougainvillea has no tendrils. The plant in question manages to have its many bushy branches climb upward over vertical surfaces despite a lack of clinging rootlets or tendrils.

Why are leaves of few plants modified into tendrils?

Plants use the tendrils to anchor themselves to any available support. This allows the plants to grow better.