

Best Answer

Yes, they do. If you have the skunk descented they are a very nice pet.


I think they do, but it matters a lot with the owner. The owner will need to be calm and patient and willing enough to take care of the skunk. You might need to take some long thought before you get a pet skunk.

I used to have a pet skunk. They make very good pets accept when they are babies they dont spray yet when they are older they will so you will have to get something taken out of them. when they are babies they need very rich milk normal milk is not rich enough and they will get sick they are very playful and cute!

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Q: Do skunks make good pets
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How do skunks become good pets?

SKUNKS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? FOR PETS????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Are you out of your mind? Whoever put this question down must have no heart for animals! SKUNKS ARE NOT PETS, YOU DORK! Goodness.

What are good but unusual pets?

descented albino skunks

Skunk as pet?

skunks are good pets you can get people to remove thire smell glands.

How do they get the stink out of skunks?

If referring to domesticated skunks or pets then then they do an operation that takes out the stink glands.

Are skunks wild animals?

Yes, they are. Very few skunks have ever been tamed or kept as pets.

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Salamanders make great pets.

Can I keep a wild baby skunk that I found?

Wild animals do not make good pets. They have not been domesticated. Skunks will end up spraying scent everywhere and messing up your house and tearing things up.

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red eared slider turtles make good pets.

Can people have hog-nosed skunks as pets?

In some states it is legal to own a skunk as a pet. You can purchase a skunk from a breeder if it is legal to own them in your area. You may want to look for ones that have their scent glands removed.

Are skunks similar to house pets?

Any wild animal for the most part can be tame or be altered somehow that they can be domesticated. Skunks can be house pets. If they werent so stinky Id say they were so darn cute.

Are skunks legal for pets in n y?

no because they will stink up your house.