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No, he doesn't play Stan but Eminem is in the video though but just as himself not Stan.

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Q: Does Eminem play Stan in the video?
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His left hand, you see this in the video Stan, as well as a video on youtube showing him in the studio, with his pen in his left hand.

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I believe Stan is actually a reflection of Eminem's imagination, as I read before he suffered alcohol problems and depression quite similar to Stan himself in the music video. Stan is not a real fan I've heard, he was just a creation but similar things have happened. I think mainly Eminem is almost writing to himself about some of his own problems minus the abuse of his wife and obsessions.

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No, Stan is a fictional character and he does not exist, howvever you can find eminem's song sheet where he first wrote Stan

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are you serious.. Eminem

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Because in the song, Stan is so brainwashed by Eminem and his lyrics, he just goes crazy.