

Does Grease Burn

Updated: 10/24/2022
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14y ago

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My authority for answering this is based on the fact that my friend just started a grease fire in our apartment kitchen whilst attempting to make hamburgs.

By the way, don't use water to put out a grease fire. Grease fires are classified as a chemical fire. When water is added to the mix, the fire intensifies. Instead, either cover the flame with a non-flammable object (to cut off oxygen and thus smother the fire) or pour baking soda on it.

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Q: Does Grease Burn
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At what temperature does grease burn?

Different types of grease burn at different temperatures due the different compounds. For the most part, all grease burns at high temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

What can be a problem when you cook on grills full of grease?

Sometimes the grease build up on a grill will flare up and burn off. Depending on where the grease is in the grill, it could burn the food you're cooking. The amount of grease there determines how long it will burn. You should never leave a grill for long, and always keep an eye out for fire.

What do you put on a burn from the grease you were cooking chicken?

treat it like a regulary burn

What happen when you use cooking grease for sunblock?

Youll burn faster

Why do you not use flour on a grease fire?

Flour will burn. The best option is salt.

What do you do if you burn your hand with bacon grease?

Scream very loudly. And probably cry a little.

How did they treat a burn in the 1870's on a wagon train?

Apply a generous balm of axle grease.

During a class about burn treatment, a student relates a story about using butter to cool a burn How should you respond?

Butter, grease, or oil will retain heat

What do you use for a chemical dye burn?

you should just put grease on it every day and do not mess with it and it will heal regularly

How did pioneers treat burns on their hands in five steps?

They used lard or grease and wrapped the burn with a piece of cloth.

What do you put on a stove burn?

Assuming this is a first aid question, avoid putting anything on a burn from heat. DO NOT put butter or grease on the burn. It can be covered with a clean, dry dressing to protect it. There are spray products made with aloe vera and lidocaine that can be used for pain- but a LARGE burn should be seen by a doctor.