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She has one younger brother named Austin and a sister names tany.

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Q: Does Taylor Swift have any siblings?
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does Taylor Swift had any siblings or pets?

Taylor swift does have siblings. She has a brother named Austin Swift Parents: Andrea Finlay, Scott Kingsley Swift Pet: her cat meredith Thats all I know I hope it helps you!

Did Taylor Swift had siblings?

Taylor Swift has a younger brother named Austin.

Who are Taylor Swift's sibiling?

Taylor Swift's siblings are an older brother named austin.

Who is Taylor Swifts siblings?

Austin Swift & Claire Swift

Who all are Taylor Swift's siblings?

Claire and Austin Swift and that's it.

How many siblings does Swift have?

Taylor Swift has a siblings. Their names are Austin and he is two years younger than her.

Dose Taylor swift have any siblings?

Claire= Sister(14) Austin= Brother(19)

Who are taylor's swift's siblings how old are they?

she has a younger brother Austin swift he is 19

Does Taylor swift has any siblings?

Yes, She has one brother Austin and one sister Claire. And they are younger.

How many sibling does Taylor Swift have?

Taylor Swift has a siblings. Their names are Austin and he is two years younger than her.

Does Taylor swifts best friend Abigail have any siblings?

Yes, a sister Katie who is friends with Claire Swift.